Proudly Serving The Greater Saint John Area

Exercise rehabilitation is an integral part of the healing process for many conditions that Dr. Toner treats in the clinic. The realm of rehabilitation is very inclusive and can involve cases ranging from high-end athletes, postpartum pain and weakness, repetitive strain use from working a desk job, elderly patients suffering with advanced arthritis and people recovering from orthopedic and even general surgery. Here at Toner Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, Dr. Toner offers individualized exercise programs based on patient’s injury, goals, time and abilities.  The rehabilitation exercises are always first demonstrated in the clinic so that the exercises can then be completed at home in a safe and effective manner.

Rehabilitation can include, but is not limited to: muscle strengthening, core stabilization, balance training, proprioceptive training, and stretching.  Rehabilitation is extremely important to return injured tissues to their pre-injury state and eliminate post-injury aberrant mechanics, weaknesses, or imbalances, which may lead to re-injury. 
